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Thank you for participating in the Baby BEAN Study! We hope you are having a positive experience so far. This is where all things Baby BEAN are stored. Please reach out to our study team if you cannot find what you are looking for.

Your baby may be eligible for The Baby BEAN Project if he or she was born between 23 and 35 completed weeks of gestation, has no known major congenital anomalies, and is not planning to transfer to another hospital (if born less than 32 weeks).

Study Outline

In-Hospital Study Encounters

All study timepoints will take place in the NICU and alongside care-times.

Babies born between 32 and 35 weeks gestation

  • Timepoint 1
    • Within 72 hours of birth
    • Parent Questionnaire, Anthropometrics, BIA and PEA POD, if able
  • Timepoint 2*
    • *Only if PEA POD isn’t obtained during Timepoint 1
    • Anthropometrics, BIA and Pea POD
    • Once baby is stable (not receiving respiratory support)
    • Can happen any time prior to discharge!

Babies born between 23 and 31 weeks gestation

  • Timepoint 1
    • Within 72 hours of birth
    • Parent Questionnaire, Anthropometrics, and BIA 
  • Timepoint 2+
    • Weekly Anthropometric measures and BIA (until discharge)
    • PEA POD and Brain-imaging (MRI and/or ERP) before discharge
    • Parent Questionnaire around 35-36 weeks post-menstrual age and/or prior to discharge

After Discharge (ONLY babies born between 23 and 31 weeks gestation)

– Parent Questionnaires at 4- and 12-months corrected age – at home or in follow up clinic

– Neurodevelopmental testing at 12-month corrected age – in follow up clinic

Brigham and Women’s Hospital

Follow-up Clinic

Center for Child Development
221 Longwood Ave.
Boston, MA 02115

The University of Minnesota

Follow-up Clinic

Masonic Center for the Developing Brain
2025 East River Parkway
Minneapolis, MN 55414

Children’s Minnesota – Minneapolis

Follow-up Clinic

Children’s Specialty Care Building
2530 Chicago Avenue, Suite 560
Minneapolis MN 55404

Children’s Minnesota – St. Paul

Follow-up Clinic

Garden View Medical Center,
347 North Smith Avenue, Suite 601
St. Paul, MN 55102

If you want to speak with someone not directly involved in this research study, please contact

The Mass General Brigham IRB at 857.282.1900 (all participants).

UMN participants can also use the Research Particpant Advocate Line at 612.625.1650.

  • How long will each study encounter take?
    • Expect 10-30 minutes (will occur before a care time to minimize disruption)
  • Where will study encounters take place?
    • All encounters prior to discharge will occur in the NICU
    • All follow up encounters will take place in follow-up clinics
  • What benefits will I receive if I enroll?
    • There is no direct benefit. Insight gained from this study will hopefully benefit future NICU babies. As a small thank you, you will receive a $25 check or gift card (depending on the site).
  • What else should I know?
    • Participation in research is voluntary! If you choose not to enroll, it will not affect your baby’s medical care
  • Who do I contact if I have any questions?
    • You can reach us at
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